Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fascinating Forensics

People can be so wierd! I was ased by the police to attend to a scene which was most peculiar- It was in a part of Merseyside, where a man in his 40s lived, with his mother, who was 84 years old. They usually kept themselves to themselves and the male was particularly introverted. Over the past week, the neighbours noticed an awful stench in the garden, which was worsening by the day. The old dear was not to be seen anywhere and the male carer was behaving suspiciously- He was increasingly agitated, gong in and out of the house by the minute, refusing to talk to anybody. If anybody did approach him, he would shout and say - stay away!! Things got to a head and the polce were called.

PC BLOGS arrived at the scene and was almost blown over by the awful stench. Further questioning led to the whole story being revealed. Mr Male's old mother had passed away 8 days back. He felt so lonely and upset over the incident. He decided to wrap his old mother up in a carpet and place her in the shed in the garden and lock the shed up!!!

When I arrived, I found the stench overpowering. Unrolling the carpet revealed a putrefying body of a female, who was not recognizable. Maggot ridden and bloated.